Copertina: Introduction to Private Law-Third Edition

Scheda completa

  • Sirena P.

Introduction to Private Law Third Edition

  • 2021
  • Mulino
Isbn edizione digitale: 9788815366382
Isbn edizione a stampa: 9788815290182

Foreword to the Second Edition

Foreword to the Third Edition

List of abbreviations

Chapter 1 Law and society

1. The functions of law - 2. Law and religion - 3. The process of juridification of Western society - 4. Law and technology - 5. Western law and the law of surviving societies - 6. Mute law - 7. Animal law



Chapter 2 The Western legal tradition

1. The Roman invention of law - 2. Classical Roman law and the Justinian compilation - 3. The medieval renaissance of Roman law - 4. The continental ius commune and the English common law - 5. The advent of national law (ius patrium) and the ideal of its codification



Chapter 3 National and international law

1. Statism and nationalism of contemporary Western laws - 2. The establishment of the Westphalian paradigm: the split of national and international law - 3. Comparative law - 4. Private international law - 5. Uniform law



Chapter 4 Civil law and common law jurisdictions

1. The legacy of Roman law in Europe - 2. The division between civil law and common law traditions - 3. Civil law jurisdictions - 4. Common law jurisdictions - 5. Mixed jurisdictions



Chapter 5 Law and justice

1. Two (incompatible?) views of law - 2. Natural law and human reason - 3. Positive law and political might - 4. The dilemma of unjust law - 5. The renaissance of natural law after World War II



Chapter 6 Legal rules, principles, systems

1. The legal rules - 2. The legal systems - 3. The principles of law



Chapter 7 Private law and its sources

1. The divide of private law and public law - 2. Commercial law and its relationship with the rest of private law - 3. The legislature and the judiciary - 4. Legal education and legal scholarship - 5. Law and economics (and other interdisciplinary legal studies)



Chapter 8 European law

1. European Union law (acquis communautaire) - 2. The European common core of national private laws (acquis commune) - 3. The perspective of a European codification of private law



Chapter 9 Legal facts and legal acts

1. The legal relevance of natural events and human actions - 2. The German tripartite taxonomy of legal facts, heteronomous legal acts, and autonomous legal acts - 3. The French bipartite taxonomy of legal facts and legal acts - 4. The eclectic Italian taxonomy of legal facts and legal acts - 5. The European taxonomy and the centrality of legal acts in private law



Chapter 10 Rights and duties

1. Legal positions and legal relations - 2. Simple positions of ‘may do’: freedoms (or privileges or liberties) - 3. Simple positions of ‘can do’: powers (and power-rights) - 4. (Subjective) rights - 5. Delayed exercise of rights



Chapter 11 Legal subjects

1. Legal personhood - 2. Capacity to act

